Inspired by Family

Auzrum is a family business. Founded in 2020.

Inspired by an idea shared by our grandmother, our aunt started selling gold jewelry in the early 1990s as a way to supplement her income while she completed her studies and worked part-time at a pizza place. Her determination and passion had a ripple effect and inspired other women in our family to also start their own side business while working full-time.

Fast forward to 2020, al the women in the family came together to create Auzrum with the goal of inspiring other women to start their own jewelry side business as well and gain the financial freedoms and confidence that they now enjoyed.

We love gold jewelry. We love it for it’s timeless beauty, enduring financial value and emotional power. We only curate the most beautiful pieces of jewelry for our team because we know that each gold item could become a long-lasting family heirloom.

a female hand gold jewelry gold heart necklace

Family Inspired


Women Driven

Driven by Women

As we think to the future, we want Auzrum to continue having a positive ripple effect on the lives of women. Our Auzrum family is made of intelligent, hardworking and resourceful immigrant and first-generation women - some are bilingual and some are Spanish-speaking only. We provide our services in English and Spanish and hope to expand to other languages soon.

Meet the Team

We believe in female-led entrepreneurship. We believe in the creativity of immigrant communities. We lead by aligning our actions with our beliefs.

Female picture smiling suit
  • CEO

    Thanks to the love and guidance of the amazing women in her life, Mirla has achieved many great milestones. In addition to being the CEO of Auzrum, she is the Founding Executive Director of a local non-profit and has had a long career in education. Mirla holds a BA from Harvard University in Government, a MA from Loyola Marymount University in Urban Education and a MBA from the University of Southern California. In her free time, she loves Zumba, reading and traveling.

  • Chief Operating Officer

    The most valuable piece of jewelry she owns is her 3-piece set of bangles gifted her by her mother as a teenager. Maria Elena’s mother was the first in her family to immigrate to the US and encourage Maria Elena’s family to do the same. She started selling jewelry inspired by her sister-in-law’s business success. Maria Elena is a retired public school teacher. She holds a BA in Spanish Literature from the Normal Superior de Nayarit. During her downtime, she enjoys dancing, walking and spending time with family.


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